But in the crowding darkness not a word did they say.
Thought the pretty-coated birds have piped so lightly all the day.
And he had seent the lovers in the little side-streets.
And she had heard the morning stories clogged with sweets.
It was quite a time for loving. It was midnight. It was May.
But in the crowding darkness not a word did they say.
Traducció de Maite Coll
Matrimoni gran
Però en plena foscor, cap dels dos va dir res.
Encara que els ocells de colors haguessin piulat tot el dia.
I ell hagués vist els amants pels estrets carrerons.
I ella hagués escoltat les converses matinals repletes de dolçor.
Era bon moment per estimar-se. Era mitjanit. Era maig.
Però en plena foscor, cap dels dos va dir res.
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